What is the Deal with the New Book Cover Designs?

How did we go from book covers like these:

to this?









There’s a hot new trend out there in book cover design and I’m not sure I like it much. It seems very juvenile and cartoony, but they seem to be a big hit with avid book readers on Instagram because they love showing their color-coordinated bookcases behind them (in an hombre color scheme) while wearing a crown and waxing poetic about their latest great read. When did this become a thing? Do I now have to buy myself a tiara to have a video on Instagram?

I’ll have to admit that it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there and video yourself talking about books in a professional looking manner with all sorts of fancy video effects and music. Some of these “Instagramers” are actually quite cute to look at so they aren’t too bad on the eyes, but I do not fall into that category, so no way do I want videos of myself out there. I’m still stumbling my way through how to upload videos on Tik Tok and Instagram. I could really use a crash course from someone sitting next to me to guide me. What I find most difficult is trying to do all this editing on the tiny little screen of my phone (which requires reading glasses for me to see properly). I much prefer using Canvaa on my home computer to create stuff. What I don’t understand is how any of this will ever translate into book sales?

Perhaps I could hire a gorgeous spokes model to do it for me?

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